Saturday, May 17, 2014

Got the Last Day Blues?

I only have five more days of school! FIVE! I know that should make me super happy, but I always get a touch of the end of the year blues. Somebody please tell me that I am not the only one!  So, to cheer myself (and maybe you) up a little. I decided to do a quick post about my favorite end of the year book, The Last Day Blues, by Julie Danneburg. This book is perfect for those last few days of school! I particularly love the ending!  If you read The First Day Jitters with your class to kick off the year, you really should read The Last Day Blues to wrap it all up.

Last year, I made a little book study for surviving the last few days while still covering/reviewing standards. In honor of the last few days, I have put the book study on sale for $3.00 until the end of June. {Bless your heart if you don't get out of school until then!} You can check it out {HERE} or by clicking on the picture. I thought that a FREEBIE might be a nice end of the year gift for you, too. So, scroll down to grab your First Day Jitters/Last Day Blues venn diagram. 
Here's your freebie sample! Click {HERE} or on the pic to download your own copy.  Enjoy those precious last few days with your sweeties!

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