Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Porcupine Named Fluffy Book Chat

Back to school means meeting lots of new people and learning lots of new names! I always read A Porcupine Named Fluffy by Helen Lester some time during the first week of school. This is sweet story about a porcupine named Fluffy who discovers in many amusing ways that he is far from actually being fluffy. So, he sets out to make himself fluffier. He tries all kinds of silly ideas! It isn't until he meets a rhinoceros who has an unusual name too that he decides being himself is alright. If you haven't heard the story before, here is a read aloud I found on YouTube.

I am working on a series of studies of books by Helen Lester. A Porcupine Named Fluffy is the first one. You can check it out in my TpT store {HERE} or by clicking on the picture below.

During the first week of school, we also read Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.
Chrysanthemum also has lots of trouble with her name! Since Fluffy and Chrysanthemum have so much in common, why not compare and contrast these two texts? This week's freebie is a sample page from my new book study! Click the picture to download your copy! Enjoy!
Please stop by Deanna Jump's blog for more book chat blog posts! :)


  1. The first time I read Fluffy, I was sitting on the story steps of our Borders book store (remember them?) As I read, I literally laughed out loud. Although there weren't any kids on the steps when I started, I ended up reading the book to a small crowd... then I bought the book :) I STILL laugh out loud with my students. Thanks for all the resources.. Chrysanthemum is a favorite, too!
    Kidpeople Classroom

    1. What a sweet story! That is why I adore Fluffy, too! This book brings about some of our first shared laughs as a class. It reminds me of the text. The kids start out smiling and end up roaring with laughter. Glad you enjoyed the post! Thanks!

  2. Love this! We always do a Helen Lester study during the school year, because I start off our writer's workshop by reading her "autobiography" (children's book she wrote about herself becoming an author). I have never thought to compare Fluffy to Chrysanthemum before...thanks for the activity! If you would like a chance to add 2 new children's books to your collection, please stop by my blog (you could also win $25 to either Amazon or TpT!). Enjoy your week!

    1. Thanks for your sweet comment! I will have to check out Helen Lester's "autobiography". Good luck with your giveaway! I will be hosting one soon, too!

  3. Awesome! I found this book while sorting through my hand-me-down library last week, so I'm glad to know it's a good one. Can't wait to share it with the kiddos. Thank you!

    Primary Explorers

    1. I am glad you found a copy of the book! I hope the kiddos enjoy it! Thanks for taking the time to leave a sweet comment!

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